Tom & Candice Scatliff

Tom has had a heart from an early age to use his gifts and abilities to serve people with disabilities, especially kids. As he completed his engineering degree he helped found a rehabilitation clinic at a government hospital in Canada and worked there for almost a decade designing and building devices to help people with disabilities overcome barriers. He has a deep desire to to use those same skills to bring the Good News to a population who are so often missed by evangelistic and discipleship efforts. Candice grew up on a farm that instilled in her a desire to feed the world. She met the Lord while studying nutrition at a Canadian university and realized a new role for her passions: To share the love of Jesus through feeding programs and sustainable agriculture projects. For as long as they’ve known the Lord, Tom and Candice have had a desire to serve Him in missions. They understand the difference the Lord makes in your life; the hope He brings, the purpose He provides, and forgiveness He offers. They are driven to make sure everybody has had a chance to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Tom and Candice have been serving as full-time missionaries since 2014. Their ministry work has taken them to various countries around the globe working on projects related to radio stations, water pumps, hospital wards, feeding programs, nutrition classes, community gardens, and so much more. Tom and Candice are excited to come alongside the existing Hope for Home ministries. They are currently in transition of relocating their family of six to Guatemala to add their skills and passions to the mix. They hope to show the love of Jesus by helping the kids and adults lead more independent lives, participate in meaningful activities, be involved in the gardens, and be mobilized for the Great Commission. Their family plans to complete their transition to Guatemala in 2024.

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For Canadian Sponsors: Visit the general donate page for information about how you can make a tax-deductible donation for ministry projects. 

Note that a portion of your donation is withheld by Paypal to cover procession fees. If you would like to avoid these costs, or use of a third party for your donation, we also accept checks and ACH deposits. Checks can be made payable to “Hope for Home Ministries,” with the specific ministry or missionary listed in the memo line, and mailed to: PO Box 393, Troy, OH 45373

To set up an ACH deposit, please contact Emily McFadden at or give her a call at our U.S. Office, at 937-216-1300. Donations are tax deductible and will be receipted in January of the following calendar year.

Hope for Home Ministries maintains complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds; however, every effort will be made by Hope for Home Ministries to honor the preference of each donor.

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