View All Children Still Awaiting Sponsorship

General Fund

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There are many costs involved with child sponsorships that aren’t covered in the cost of the individual. If you would like to support this branch of ministry as a whole, please donate to our general fund by clicking the button below.

Children Sponsored
0 +


April 28, 1979


Fulp Group Home

New Hope Adult Home

June 27, 2002

New Hope Adult Home

September 27, 1999

Fulp Group Home

April 28, 2017

Fulp Group Home

April 28, 2017

Ciudad Vieja

January 8, 2009

San Pablo La Laguna


Ciudad Vieja


    Our Wheels of Hope rural ministry in Guatemala is possible due to the sponsorship of children by people like you! See above to learn more about current children, or occasionally adults, who are waiting for a sponsor. When you choose to sponsor a child with special needs, our team is able to provide resources for them and their family so that they can care better for their child. Those resources can include anything from wheelchairs, formula and medicine, to doctors appointments, medical testing, therapy and education. These resources are delivered by our team during their monthly visits with the child and their caretakers. During that time the team also takes time to pray with the family and assure them that they are not in this alone!

    The monthly sponsorship amount varies per child based upon their needs, and unlike many sponsorship programs, 100% of your donation goes to help the child and their caretakers! Not one penny is used for administration or delivery costs! As a sponsor, twice a year you will receive an updated photo and news about your child. Thank you for helping us to share the love of Jesus with families who have these special children, and want to care for them well! 

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.