Meet Checha!

Age: 24

Birthday: September 27, 1999

Location: New Hope Adult Home

Requested Items: Therapy

Requested Support: $ 50

Checha is an amazing young man, who has been with us since he was 16 years old. He is a Christ follower, and is very kind and respectful. He has cerebral palsy and is in a wheelchair, yet he is verbal and bilingual. He began school for the first time after living with us, and so he will continue for a while longer. He loves to learn and is doing great in school. Checha also needs a lot of therapy to keep his range of motion from diminishing.

Interested in Sponsoring?

Fill out the form below with your full name and email address. You will hear back from our coordinator, April within 24 hours about sponsoring. If you are interested in sponsoring someone else, please fill out the form on their page.