Meet Deisy (Medicine)!

Age: 6

Birthday: April 28, 2017

Location: Fulp Group Home

Requested Items: Medicine

Requested Support: $ 50

Deisy is a precious little girl who has only been with us since 2023. She has an enlarged heart with a hole in it, but she is too weak to survive the surgery needed to repair it. Her cardiologist says that she is terminal, so we are just trying to keep her as comfortable as possible until Jesus takes her home. However, this requires a lot of medicine, and the expenses are high. As a result, we are seeking sponsors to help us cover the cost of her medicine. (This is one of two sponsorship amounts for Deisy.)

Interested in Sponsoring?

Fill out the form below with your full name and email address. You will hear back from our coordinator, April within 24 hours about sponsoring. If you are interested in sponsoring someone else, please fill out the form on their page.